Fifty Funny Vector Cartoons

A collection of silly, funny vector cartoons for your amusement, you will laugh and laugh and laugh till you squeeze your entrails out...

Have Some Fun!


Who’s there?
Philip who?
Philip Sawman!
What is Philip doing at the door?
Well he is knocking!
Why is he knocking?
Because he wants to get in!
Why does he want to get in?
Because he wants to come see you!
Why does he want to come see me?
Because he has something to tell you!
What does have to tell me?
Something very very important!
How important is that thing?
It’s something really really important.
Then you should knock the door first.


Who is there?
It’s the repair man!
What does the repairman want?
He would like fix some of your blocked pipes?
What has blocked my pipes?
Some oil, or food remains or whatever, I don’t know!
What is oil doing in my pipes?
It came from your dishes cleaning!
Are you an oil man?
No! But I am here to fix your problem!
What problem?
Your pipes are blocked! They need some servicing!
Could you please let me in? We can talk this over inside.
Then you should knock the door first


Who is there?
It’s the scouts master
What does the scouts master want?
He wants you to keep the flag for a while!
What flag?
The national flag, which belongs to the school
Then take it to the school
I can’t!
Why can’t you?
Coz it’s far far away!
How far?
Hundreds of miles away!
Then take it to the military barracks!
No I can’t!
Why can’t you?
Because I would get shot if I am seen there!
Then take it to George Washington
No I can’t!
Because he died many many years ago.
Then take it to your house
No I can’t!
Why can’t you?
Because it’s raining outside please let me in.
Then you must first knock at the door.


Who is there?
It’s your brother Ben!
What does my bother want?
He needs his toolbox!
What’s in the toolbox?
Some pruning tools!
To do what with?
To trim a fence!
Why trim a fence?
To prepare for a party
What party?
Your daughter’s graduation party
How soon?
Very soon, maybe you should tell me!
Tell you what?
About the event, come on, we need to talk please let me in.
Then you must knock the door first.


Who is there?...


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