Wednesday 28 April 2021

Vector Issue #6354: A stone age family stand next to their Cave Home

Vector Issue #6354: A stone age family stand next to their Cave Home: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags Prehistoric Peoples, Stone age people, prehistory, Cave Home, Cave Dwellers, Cave Dwellings, primitive, savage, the stone age, Neanderthal, early man, hunter-gatherers, barbarian,…

Vector Issue #6355: a wide array of stone age tools

Vector Issue #6355: a wide array of stone age tools: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags stone age tools, primitive tools, stone tools, Prehistoric Peoples, Stone age people, prehistory, Cave Home, Cave Dwellers, Cave Dwellings, primitive, savage, the…

Vector Issue #6356: a stone age man cutting meat

Vector Issue #6356: a stone age man cutting meat: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags stone age tools, primitive tools, stone tools, Prehistoric Peoples, Stone age people, prehistory, Cave Home, Cave Dwellers, Cave Dwellings, primitive, savage, the…

Vector Issue #6357: a stone age man takes a walk

Vector Issue #6357: a stone age man takes a walk: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags stone age tools, primitive tools, stone tools, Prehistoric Peoples, Stone age people, prehistory, Cave Home, Cave Dwellers, Cave Dwellings, primitive, savage, the…

Vector Issue #6358: a super hero stands on the globe

Vector Issue #6358: a super hero stands on the globe: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags super Hero, Action Figure, superheroic, super man, red cloak, Atlas, strength, strong, superstrong, muscular powerful, robust, tough, muscular, herculean, herculean task, enormous…

Vector Issue #6359: Swordsmen in Combat, An Arab infantryman meets a Greek soldier on the battlefield

Vector Issue #6359: Swordsmen in Combat, An Arab infantryman meets a Greek soldier on the battlefield: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags swordsman, swordsmanship, Arab soldier, Arab-Berbers, Greek Soldier, soldier, foot soldier, soldier of fortune, infantry, regular army, infantryman, marcher, march, marching, battle zone,…

Vector Issue #6360: A tank Commander going to battle

Vector Issue #6360: A tank Commander going to battle: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags battle tank, tank commander, General, supreme commander, commanding officer, Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, commando, troops, battleground, land defense,…

Vector Issue #6361: The long Checklist, two chicken check their eggs to confirm they are all present,

Vector Issue #6361: The long Checklist, two chicken check their eggs to confirm they are all present,: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags checklist, catalogue, manifest, order book, inventory, stock taking, inventory items, listing, register, count, confirm, confirming, check, checking, account for, verify, verification, proof,…

Vector Issue #6362: an African elephant raising its trunk

Vector Issue #6362: an African elephant raising its trunk: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags African Elephant, the big five, elephant trunk, elephant tusks, Elephas Maximus, gomphothere, Indian Elephant, Loxodonta Africana, mammoth, rogue elephant, Elephantidae, Family Elephnatidae,…

Vector Issue #6363: a giraffe stands by

Vector Issue #6363: a giraffe stands by: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags Giraffe, the big five, the Long Neck, African Safari Animals, camelopard, Giraffe camelopardalis, ruminant, Okapi, Okapi Johnstoni, Genus Giraffa, African wildlife, safari…

Vector Issue #6364: The goose that lays the golden egg, a goose holds up a golden egg

Vector Issue #6364: The goose that lays the golden egg, a goose holds up a golden egg: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags the goose and the golden egg, Cash Cow, Money Maker, Money Spinner, success, bear fruit, positive results, returns on investment, massive profits,…

Vector Issue #6365: a hand grenade ready for use

Vector Issue #6365: a hand grenade ready for use: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags grenade, hand grenade, grenade thrower, grenadier, explosive, hand bomb, military explosives, war explosives, bomb, explosive device, bomb trigger,

Vector Issue #6366: A leopard relaxes on a tree branch

Vector Issue #6366: A leopard relaxes on a tree branch: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags Leopard, the big five, African wildlife, safari animals, Safari Park, Game Park, national park animals, endangered species,

Vector Issue #6367: a rhino eating grass in a safari park

Vector Issue #6367: a rhino eating grass in a safari park: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags graze, grazer, grazing, Rhino, rhinoceros, black rhino, white rhino, family Rhinocerotidae, mammal family, Indian rhinoceros, the big five, African wildlife, safari…

Vector Issue #6368: A constellation aircraft flying at low altitude

Vector Issue #6368: A constellation aircraft flying at low altitude: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags early flying, history of aircrafts, early passenger planes, the super constellation, twin tail, aerodynamics, aeronautics, aircraft, airlift, airline, airspeed, low altitude flying,…

Vector Issue #6369: Thrown into the air, Coworkers throw one of their own into the air as a form of celebration

Vector Issue #6369: Thrown into the air, Coworkers throw one of their own into the air as a form of celebration: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags celebrate, celebrated, celebration, celebrity, honored, cheer up, rejoice, rejoicing, amuse, exuberate, exuberation, exubarant, exonerate, exoneration, reverberation, exult, exultation, jubilate, jubilation, lighten up,…

Vector Issue #6370: Tired Pack Animals, an owner walks his overloaded donkey

Vector Issue #6370: Tired Pack Animals, an owner walks his overloaded donkey: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags donkey, mule, pack animal, Load, Overload, overloaded, Luggage, excess, excessive load, beast of burden, overworked, exhaust, exhausted, exploit, exploitation, labor, put to…

Vector Issue #6371: A tsetse fly that spreads disease

Vector Issue #6371: A tsetse fly that spreads disease: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags tsetse fly, vector insects, disease causing insects, vector, blood sucker, blood sucking, carrier, infectious, bugs, disease causing micro-organisms,

Vector Issue #6372: Ultimate Lockdown, An Inmate sits in a supermax Cell

Vector Issue #6372: Ultimate Lockdown, An Inmate sits in a supermax Cell: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags inmate, prisoner, prison, detained, jailbird, convict, detainee, political prisoner, prisoner of war, captive, yard bird, detain, detention, serving time, sentenced, life imprisonment,…

Vector Issue #6373: Vulture Food, Disgusted Vultures Stand to Inspect a Carcass

Vector Issue #6373: Vulture Food, Disgusted Vultures Stand to Inspect a Carcass: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags Disgust, disgusted, disgusting, Smelly, bad smell, rotten, decaying matter, carrion, food poisoning, awful smell, odour, pungent smell, putrid, stinking, stench, stink, smell,…

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Vector Issue #6374: Walking in the Storm, A traveler caught out in a fierce Hailstorm

Vector Issue #6374: Walking in the Storm, A traveler caught out in a fierce Hailstorm: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags Hailstorm, hailstones, showers, downpour, drizzle, heavy rain, hurricane, rainstorm, storm surge, stormy, thunderstorm, typhoon, water-sprout, whirlwind, tornado, rainy day, Heavy Rains, rain,…

Vector Issue #6375: Watching out in the distance, A pair of Vultures Watching out for intruders

Vector Issue #6375: Watching out in the distance, A pair of Vultures Watching out for intruders: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags watchtower, alarm post, guard watch, observation post, spyglass, binoculars, field glasses, opera glasses, optical instrument, watchdog, guard dog, defender, protector, guardian, watching…

Vector Issue #6376: the legendary water buffalo of Asia,

Vector Issue #6376: the legendary water buffalo of Asia,: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags water buffalo, beast of burden, farmer, Asian farmer, paddy fields, paddy, rice paddy, Asiatic buffalo, Bubalus bubalis, water ox, Old World Buffalo,…

Vector Issue #6377: World War Two Aircrafts 1, a long distance bomber

Vector Issue #6377: World War Two Aircrafts 1, a long distance bomber: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags B-52, bomber aircraft, strategic bomber, long distance bomber, battlefield, battleground, the frontline, World War Two, World War One, combat aircraft, fighter plane,…

Vector Issue #6378: World War Two Aircrafts 2, a strategic bomber ready for combat

Vector Issue #6378: World War Two Aircrafts 2, a strategic bomber ready for combat: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags B-52, bomber aircraft, strategic bomber, long distance bomber, battlefield, battleground, the frontline, World War Two, World War One, combat aircraft, fighter plane,…

Vector Issue #6379: World War Two Aircrafts 3, a biplane of war

Vector Issue #6379: World War Two Aircrafts 3, a biplane of war: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags bi-plane, battlefield, battleground, the frontline, World War Two, World War One, combat aircraft, fighter plane, military airplane, military aircrafts, the USAF, WRAF,…

Vector Issue #6380: Worming up a little bit, A group of polar bears warm themselves at the fireplace in the Cold Winter Evening

Vector Issue #6380: Worming up a little bit, A group of polar bears warm themselves at the fireplace in the Cold Winter Evening: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags winter cold, Fire, bon fire, arctic Winter, polar bears, Antarctica, cuddling for warmth, arctic, biting cold, bitter cold, chill, chilly, cool, freezing,…

Vector Issue #6381: aim and shoot, a kid aiming with a catapult

Vector Issue #6381: aim and shoot, a kid aiming with a catapult: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags take aim, target, direct, point, shoot for, prey, focus, slingshot, catapult, kids bird-hunt, bulls-eye, hitpoint, mark

Vector Issue #6382: Ambitious kids reading a big, big book

Vector Issue #6382: Ambitious kids reading a big, big book: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags books, studying, learning, reading, perusing, pouring over, skimming, speech reading, speed reading, dipping into, auditing, going over, inspecting, reviewing

Vector Issue #6383: Ambitious kids building a robot

Vector Issue #6383: Ambitious kids building a robot: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags robotics, robots, mechanical engineering, manufacture, wielding, build, machine, android, humanoid, nanobot, screwing, hammering

Vector Issue #6384: many small babies conducting a meeting

Vector Issue #6384: many small babies conducting a meeting: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags discussion, meeting, group, council, assembling, coming together, confluence, gathering, getting together, argument, conference, debate, talks, negotiation, panel, discussion, elaboration, dialogue.

Vector Issue #6385: kids learning to paint a famous picture

Vector Issue #6385: kids learning to paint a famous picture: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags learning to paint, da Vinci, painting, art, antiques, watercolors, junior painters, oil on canvas, little artists, ambition, great dreams

Vector Issue #6386: kids performing in a choir

Vector Issue #6386: kids performing in a choir: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags music, concert, symphony, rehearsal, entertainment, night show, opera house, bouffe, comic opera, grand opera, light opera, musical drama, Zarzuela

Vector Issue #6388: bird’s selfie, a bird of paradise taking a selfie, its trying to hold the camera with its feet,

Vector Issue #6388: bird’s selfie, a bird of paradise taking a selfie, its trying to hold the camera with its feet,: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags selfie, exposure, photo, photograph, pic, piccy, picture, bird’s-self, jungle photography, beautiful beak, birdie camera,

Vector Issue #6389: bowing respect, a youngster bowing to an elder from mutual respect.

Vector Issue #6389: bowing respect, a youngster bowing to an elder from mutual respect.: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags bowing, mutual, courtesy, respect, deference, esteem, honor, obedience, regard, respectfulness, value, junior recognition, service, servitude, good manners, gratis, gratitude, gratuitous.

Vector Issue #6387: kids performing in an orchestra

Vector Issue #6387: kids performing in an orchestra: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags orchestra, guitar, piano, violin, harp, music concert, musical notes, pianist, instrumentalists, string players, symphony

Vector Issue #6390: a big boy bullying a small boy

Vector Issue #6390: a big boy bullying a small boy: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags bullying, bully, elementary school, after school, uncultured, aggressive, rude, noisy, troublemaker, corking, cracking, push around, rough neck, rowdy, scally, smashing, swagger,…

Vector Issue #6391: Charlie’s chicken, a chicken sitting on an egg waiting for it to hatch

Vector Issue #6391: Charlie’s chicken, a chicken sitting on an egg waiting for it to hatch: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags chicken, egg, patience, wait, brooding start-up, potential, home birds, doubtful, yearning, uncertain future, birdie, hatch, incubate, chicks, fowl, hisses, birdlike

Vector Issue #6393: the love birds 2, swans swimming in a shallow pond

Vector Issue #6393: the love birds 2, swans swimming in a shallow pond: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags cacoethes, love, mania, passion, warmth, attraction, magnet, beautiful birds, couple, pair, lovely, looker, babe, peach, ravisher, stunner

Vector Issue #6392: the love birds 1, flamingos wadding in shallow waters,

Vector Issue #6392: the love birds 1, flamingos wadding in shallow waters,: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags Love, romance, care, cuddling, desire, heart, admire, attraction, sweetheart, lover, pairs, lovely birds

Vector Issue #6394: the love birds 3, two toucans perching on a tree branch

Vector Issue #6394: the love birds 3, two toucans perching on a tree branch: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags cute, pretty, birdie, birds, love birds, cunning, precious, cherished, treasured, wanted, beautiful, lovely, adorable

Vector Issue #6395: the love birds 4, penguins couples standing on a floating iceberg

Vector Issue #6395: the love birds 4, penguins couples standing on a floating iceberg: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags baby, bask, beloved, darling, dear, honey, love life, lovey, cute, beautiful birds, lonely couple, passion.

Vector Issue #6396: the love birds 5, The World Beloved Blue Macaws, two love birds of paradise starring at one another on a tree branch

Vector Issue #6396: the love birds 5, The World Beloved Blue Macaws, two love birds of paradise starring at one another on a tree branch: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags Blue Macaws, love birds, beautiful feathers, birdie attraction, birds of paradise, sweet love, couples, partners, mates, pair, twosome, twin, duo, couplet,…

Vector Issue #6397: grandpa with the baby, granny tickling a baby and making it laugh

Vector Issue #6397: grandpa with the baby, granny tickling a baby and making it laugh: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags happy baby, granny’s love, baby with grandparents, baby care, parental care, tickling a baby, laughing baby, smiling baby, infant, darling, dear,…

Vector Issue #6398: a homeless man sitting on a bench and smiling to the passers-bye

Vector Issue #6398: a homeless man sitting on a bench and smiling to the passers-bye: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags homeless person, poor guy, beggar, street urchin, street kindness, generosity, kindness, help for the needy, toss a coin, grateful, humble, fellow,…

Vector Issue #6399: cute love bunnies, a bunny showing a bunch of flowers to its lover

Vector Issue #6399: cute love bunnies, a bunny showing a bunch of flowers to its lover: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags love, bundle of joy, darling, dearest, honey, sugar, sweetheart, baby, beauty, girlfriend, honey, hottie, lady-friend, mantrap, peach, sweetie, truelove, stunner

Vector Issue #6400: meditating monk, a warrior monk having a calm hour of meditation

Vector Issue #6400: meditating monk, a warrior monk having a calm hour of meditation: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags meditation, reflect, calm, relaxed, contemplate, think over, cool, chill out, lull, quiet, still, steady

Vector Issue #6401: milking manual, a guy milking a cow,

Vector Issue #6401: milking manual, a guy milking a cow,: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags milkmaid, cow, milk, milking, Friesian, low-fat milk, whole milk, buttermilk, raw milk, milking, milker dairy cattle

Vector Issue #6403: a frontal view of a mummy face

Vector Issue #6403: a frontal view of a mummy face: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags 3d face, face sculpting, sculptures, head, carving, shaping, moulding, patterned, shaped, segmented, statue, sculpt

Vector Issue #6404: pet animals, a Bengali man pulling a pet tiger

Vector Issue #6404: pet animals, a Bengali man pulling a pet tiger: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags pet animals, tigers, dangerous pets, wild animals at home, taming, tame, training, walking, cats, beasts, brutes, creatures, faunae, fleshly, animalise