Saturday 24 April 2021

Vector Issue #6674: Torrential floods as a direct result of global warming have destroyed many homes, tornadoes and hurricanes destroy huge tracks of coastal areas causing enormous damage to homes and basic infrastructure, millions of people are left stranded on floating debris, desperately waiting for aid to arrive in on time, the rampant rise in sea levels has also rendered many coastal areas uninhabitable, leaving millions of people devastated, salt water seeps into homes, fields and agricultural farmlands rendering them unfit for food production.

Vector Issue #6674: Torrential floods as a direct result of global warming have destroyed many homes, tornadoes and hurricanes destroy huge tracks of coastal areas causing enormous damage to homes and basic infrastructure, millions of people are left stranded on floating debris, desperately waiting for aid to arrive in on time, the rampant rise in sea levels has also rendered many coastal areas uninhabitable, leaving millions of people devastated, salt water seeps into homes, fields and agricultural farmlands rendering them unfit for food production.: Subjects of interests, Related Categories and Tags Floods, Flooding, torrential Floods, flash floods, tsunami, overflowing rivers, inundate, levee, floodplain, overflow, monsoon, drainage, torrential rains, downpour, flood tide,…

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